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2 Translation results for clout in Spanish

noun | verb

clout noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
golpe, tortazo; influencia, palanca

Example sentences of
clout noun

  • She used her political clout to have another school built.
  • gave the stubborn handle a solid clout to make it turn

Synonyms of
clout noun

Detailed synonyms for clout noun

See: Influence

clout verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
clouted, has clouted, is clouting, clouts
bofetear, dar un tortazo a

Example sentences of
clout verb

  • He clouted 19 home runs last year.
  • He'll clout me around the head if he finds out what I've done.
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marimacho; niña que se porta como muchacho
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Reverse translation for clout

golpe  - blow, knock 
tortazo  - blow, wallop 
influencia  - influence 
palanca  - lever, crowbar, leverage, influence 
bofetear  - to slap